
Showing posts from 2019

Things to Know Before Buying Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamond companies are often asked about the differences between lab-grown diamonds and natural ones. There are several misconceptions about lab-grown diamonds. So, if you have been looking to buy a lab-grown diamond, this post is for you. Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions diamond buyers have-  1. Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Real? They certainly are. If you ask a lab-grown diamond jewelry manufacturer, you will come to know that the composition of a lab-grown diamond is atomically identical to a natural or mined one. To put it simple for an easier understanding, a diamond basically is a 3-dimensional structure of carbon molecules. The same applies to both natural diamonds and lab-created diamonds. Diamond is considered the hardest substance on earth because of its hardness owing to this 3-dimensional structure or composition.  2. Do Lab-Grown Diamonds Last for Long? You certainly must not worry about this. Millennials prefer buying lab-grown

The Making of Lab Created Diamonds – Everything You Need to Know

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is, of course, a duck. Indeed, it takes billions of years to form a diamond in its true form in nature. But since time immemorial, whenever science has been merged with nature, various wonders have happened. Lab grown diamond is one such miraculous wonder that has been made possible by the science. 2018 has been a landmark year when lab grown diamonds have been accepted widely. According to MVI Marketing’s Report, lab grown polished diamonds have witnessed an upward trajectory in the previous year and its acceptance will continue to grow. What flourishes under pressure is a sure-shot diamond. There is no doubt in the fact that lab grown diamonds are real diamonds. In fact, lab grown diamonds are a new way people adapt beauty and sophistication in their jewelry. In addition to oozing elegance, lab grown diamonds are also environment-friendly which make it a preferable choice. With evolution, manufacturing lab grown diamonds are