How is a Diamond Cut Different from a Diamond Shape?

Many of us are fond of diamond jewellery like engagement rings or earrings. We always desire to purchase jewellery with a specific shape. However, we often use diamond cut and shape interchangeably for natural or lab grown diamond jewellery. The fact is both the terms are entirely different. Let’s understand the terms one by one. 

What is a Diamond Cut? 

Diamond cut is a part of 4Cs that we use to determine the quality of diamonds. A diamond cut has four elements—brightness, fire, pattern, and scintillation. The perfect brightness of the diamond reflects all the light that gets into the diamond. When light enters the diamond and gives a prism-like effect, it means the diamond’s fire element is perfect.

Further, scintillation showcases the flashes of the diamond, whereas the pattern is the contrasting areas of light and dark. Through these elements, diamond jewellery manufacturers give four grades to diamond cuts. Excellent, very good, good, and poor. 

Why exactly do you need to understand all these aspects of a diamond? You need to use these gradings while purchasing diamond jewellery.

What is a Diamond Shape?


Diamond shapes are comparatively easy to understand. Anyone can identify the shape of the diamond; we do not need professional help to determine the shape. We require assistance in identifying the quality of the diamond. 

We can see many kinds of fancy cut diamonds, such as round, princess, cushion, oval, pear, heart, asscher, radiant, and many more. Before buying diamond jewellery for you or your loved ones, you should explore all the diamond shapes. 

What is the Difference?


We discussed both the terms. Now it is time to get the difference. The shape is how a diamond looks, whereas the cut is the quality of a diamond. It is the one significant difference between both the terms. 


The diamond shape and cut both are essential terms when you want to buy lab grown diamond jewellery. First, you will select the jewellery with your choice of diamond shape. Next, you will check the quality of the diamond by going through its 4Cs, including the diamond cut. This is how you must buy your diamond jewellery.


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